Since its inception in 2010, the Boscobel Education Foundation has awarded over $290,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors from Boscobel, Wauzeka-Steuben, and Riverdale High School thanks to the charitableness of folks like you. We hope to continue these efforts for years to come. By making a tax* deductible donation to the Education Foundation, you are helping to support local students achieve their post-secondary goals.
Please know that every amount donated towards the Boscobel Education Foundation helps to provide scholarships for more than 40 students each
year. Even by donating $20, you can help to ensure that the Boscobel Education Foundation remains in the Boscobel Area and surrounding communities for years to come.
There are a number of ways to give to the foundation…
- Gifts of cash in any amount at any time, knowing it will be welcomed and carefully used.
– Mail checks to: Boscobel Education Foundation, P.O. Box 63, Boscobel, WI 53805
– Give instantly with PayPal (bottom of this page) - Securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
- Memorial gifts.
- Life insurance policies or dividends paid on the policies. The foundation can be a beneficiary of the policy.
- Give your gift through your will, so that you can continue to help the graduates of Boscobel High School.
- Make the foundation the final beneficiary of your Individual Retirement Account.
- Give homes, farms, or commercial property.
- Encourage your employer to donate to the foundation.
- Amazon Smile – Search for Boscobel Education Foundation or use this link when purchasing items from Amazon…
- DAF Direct – Donor-Advised Fund “is a centralized charitable account. It allows charitably inclined individuals, families, and businesses to make tax-deductible charitable donations of cash, publicly-traded stock, and, in some cases, certain illiquid assets, to a public charity that sponsors a DAF program.”
If you are looking to establish a scholarship such as a Family, Legacy, Memorial, Trust, or other significant gift, please contact Michael Friar, BEF President, for more information.
Whether or not you are able to make a monetary donation to BEF this year, please accept our sincere appreciation for your consideration.
Boscobel Education Foundation Board of Directors
*Boscobel Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity. Since no goods or services are provided in exchange for your gift/donation, it is tax deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Public Charity Code
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